Bengal Warriors (BEN) is a Kabaddi team based in Kolkata, West Bengal that plays in the Pro Kabaddi League. In 2019, they won the trophy for the first time by defeating Dabang Delhi. The team is currently led by Maninder Singh and coached by K. Baskaran. The team plays its home matches at the Netaji Indoor Stadium.
Future Group owns Bengal Warriors, which is promoted by Kishore Biyani. Mr. Sandip Tarkas, our CEO, is in charge of the team’s internal operations.
Maninder Singh is the league’s second most successful raider, with 1036 raid points in only 106 games. He is closely followed by Deepak Niwas Hooda, who ranks third all-time in raid points with 988.
K. Baskaran, an Asian Games gold medalist, leads the current group of players, which is a mix of youth and experience. He was the winning coach in the inaugural season of the PKL and will train us to lead us to our second trophy in PKL season 9.